

Final Exam(Practice)'11 SMA Yaspen Tugu Ibu I Depok, Depok II, West Java, Indonesia


Big Family Of Informatics Engineering'11 UNSOED Go To Baturaden, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia.


OSMB SAINS'11 Mipa Jendral Soedirman Uiversity 7-9 September at Faculty of Mipa, Purwokerto, Cental Java, Indonesia


1-2 October 2011 at Baturraden, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia


Depok, West Java, Indonesia

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Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Kesan Pesan Masuk Teknik Informatika UNSOED

pertama-tama saya bersyukur kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberikan saya kesempatan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan tinggi , dan sangat amat bersyukur karena saya diberikan kesempatan melanjutkannya di Salah satu PTN di indonesia yang letaknya di Jawa Tengah, yaitu UNIVERSITAS NEGRI JENDRAL SOEDIRMAN, Purwokerto. Lebih terprincinya lagi saya masuk di Fakultas Sains Dan Teknik, Jurusan Mipa, Program studi Teknik Informatika.

Kesan saya pertama kali mengetahui kampus UNSOED saya cukup bangga dengan apa yang akan saya dapatkan disini,  saya melihat sekeliling kampus Mipa-ku ini yang cukup rindang dikelilingi pohon-pohon berdaun lebat dan hijau, saya rasa saya akan nyaman untuk mengikuti kuliah disini , sayangnya beberapa hari setelah saya menjalani kuliah, sayapun berbagi pengalaman dengan temen yang daerah asalnya sama seperti saya (DEPOK) saya sedikit iri dengan mereka , karena yang diceritakan mereka, kesimpulannya ruang kuliah yang mereka gunakan lebih nyaman dari ruang kuliah yang saya tempati sekarang. tetapi itu semua tidak mematahkan semangat saya untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik.

Dari cara mengajar dan pelajarannya memang ada beberapa yang sama dengan pelaaran saya sebelumya di SMA , tapi ada beberapa pelajaran yang baru , seperti Algoritma dan Pemrograman , Logika Informatika , PTI Dan lainnya , tapi diluar itu semua cara mengajar dosen-dosen di kampus saya bisa dibilang baik (dalam artian bisa dimengerti oleh Peserta Didiknya). saya berharap saya bisa menyesuaikan mata-kuliah tersebut dengan waktu yang singkat tidak terlalu lama.

Pesan Saya, kalo bisa , tiap kelas ditambah Pencahayaannya, kipasnya atau kalo bisa AC aja .

terima kasih

Kamis, 29 September 2011


          Tuesday, 20th September 2011, Big Family of Informatics Engineering'11 tours to Local Tourism Baturaden, located at 15km North of Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia.
We do that to Refreshed and Fill the Free day, at There we do a lot of positive activities and Have fun of course, such as Photograph, go play in waterfall "Pancuran Pitu", rock climbing, etc. We do this that know each other. After all activity at Local Tourism Baturraden complete, we lunch at Belk Camp Restaurant. But it is unfortunate, because a few of Big Family Informatics Engineering can't participate. But at other Time, all  Big Family of Informatics Engineering must participate. 

           About Baturaden, Baturaden is a classical highland country in the foot of "Gunung Slamet" volcano. Central Java's outstanding resort is approximately 14 km north of Purwokerto. It occupies a fine site on the slope of Mount Slamet, at an elevation of 650 m above sea level. It has remarkable weather with a cool mountain breeze. The temperature ranges from 18 degree C to 25 degree C. The resort area is surrounded by nice gardens, hot springs, ponds and bungalow-style hotels. Other features include 200 ha of pine forest, a nearby market and marvelous views. Some European groups are known to spend a day trekking through its Splendid Natural Forest and Villages.
          Always green, the area is blessed with an abundance of natural water resources spouting out in numerous waterfalls and rivers, which flow between the huge boulders of hardened lava. The huge boulders also points out to Ravines and river bank and form some kind of path, apparently having rolled down from Mount Slamet during a eruption many centuries ago.
          Baturaden is renowned for local tourism; with attraction of hot spring, trekking and camping. The main attraction for tourist is the Loka Wisata Baturaden, a recreational Park with a swimming pool, water slide, lake; children's play ground with an Old Dutch Merry-go-round, Hot water mineral spring and Botanical Gardens. We can come to spend the whole day, picnicking on the grassy lawn or along the river or bathing in the mineral waters, which contain sulfur. There are two natural hot spring in Baturaden, namely Pancuran Telu and Pancuran Pitu. The park connects with "Pancuran Tujuh" (Seven Fountains) of warm sulfuric spring water about 2,5 Km's away. The camping ground is called Wana Wisata. There are 76 hotels ranging from the star grade to the modest one for overnight stay. We can go perum berkoh there are one elite house in this city.

Minggu, 11 September 2011

Teknik-Tenik Dasar Fotografi

Teknis Fotografi & Fungsinya

Fotografi bukan segalanya tentang kamera. Dikatakan bahwa fotografi adalah seni bermain dengan cahaya. Tanpa adanya cahaya, maka mustahil fotografi itu ada. Menghasilkan sebuah gambar yang bagus, harus memiliki visi yang kuat dalam hal ‘melihat’. Memperhatikan cahaya, komposisi dan momen adalah hal-hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan dalam membuat foto yang dapat dikategorikan ‘bagus’.

Namun, sepertinya mustahil dapat menghasilkan foto seperti itu jika tidak mengenal dan memahami dari masing-masing teknis fotografi dasar. Fotografi memang bukan segalanya tentang kamera, namun kamera adalah alat untuk menyalurkan visi kita itu. Maka, sekiranya perlu mengenal dan memahami bagaimana kamera bekerja.

Tugas utama dari kamera adalah mengatur intensitas cahaya yang masuk dan pada akhirnya mengenai film/sensor (selanjutnya saya sebut medium). Apabila, kamera mengizinkan terlalu banyak cahaya yang masuk maka medium akan terbakar (overexposed). Dan sebaliknya. Bagaimana agar cahaya yang masuk itu tidak berlebih dan tidak kurang, atau dengan kata lain ‘pas’. Berikut saya jabarkan satu-satu.

Atau yang sering juga disebut dengan difragma atau bukaan lensa adalah berfungsi untuk mengatur seberapa besar lensa akan terbuka. Fungsi ini lebih tepatnya terletak pada lensa. Logikanya, semakin besar bukaannya, maka akan semakin banyak cahaya yang akan masuk. Seperti sebuah kran air. Semakin besar kita buka keran tersebut maka akan semakin banyak air yang akan keluar.

Penulisan Aperture yang benar adalah f/x. Sehingga apabila dikatakan nilai Aperture-nya adalah 5.6, maka penulisan yang benar adalah f/5.6. Jadi jangan bingung apabila ada yang bilang bahwa bukaan lensa 2.8 lebih besar dari bukaan lensa 5.6. Karena kalau secara penulisan matematisnya memang benar khan? (f/2.8>f/5.6) Tapi kebanyakan kita malas untuk bilang f/2.8 atau f/5.6, karena kita orangnya simpel sih…

Efek Samping dari Aperture
Seperti obat batuk yang memiliki efek samping, begitu juga dengan aperture. Efek sampingnya adalah semakin besar bukaan lensa, maka akan semakin kecil daerah fokusnya. Dan sebaliknya. Daerah fokus inilah yang biasa dikenal dengan DOF (Depth of Field).

Shutter Speed
Atau yang biasa disebut juga dengan speed atau kecepatan rana bertugas untuk mengatur berapa lama mirror terbuka lalu menutup kembali untuk membatasi berapa banyak cahaya yang akan masuk. Seperti teori keran, apabila kita membuka keran terlalu lama, maka wadah penampung air tadi akan kelebihan sehingga akan meleber keluar. Kalau dalam kasus fotografi, medium akan terbakar.

Penulisan shutter speed yang benar adalah 1/x. Sehingga apabila dikatakan bahwa sebuah foto menggunkanan speed 60, maka penulisannya yang benar adalah 1/60 detik. Jadi jangan bingung kalau dikatakan bahwa speed 60 lebih cepat dibandingkan 30. karena secara penulisan matematis memang begitu khan?

Efek Samping dari Shutter Speed
Seperti berpacaran yang memiliki efek samping, seperti sulit melirik wanita/pria lain, begitu juga dengan shutter speed. Semakin cepat shutter speed, maka akan gambar akan semakin terlihat diam (freeze). Dan sebaliknya, apabila speed terlalu lamban gambar akan terlihat blur dikarenakan gerakan yang terlalu cepat, sehingga objek terlihat bergerak sangat cepat.

ISO atau ASA
Adalah tingkat sensitifitas medium dalam menerima cahaya. Semakin tinggi nilainya, maka akan semakin tingkat sensitifitasnya. Artinya, apabila kita merubah nilai ISO atau ASA ini menjadi lebih tinggi, sedangkan aperture dan speednya tidak diubah, maka medium akan menerima cahaya lebih banyak. Dan sebaliknya.

Efek Samping ISO atau ASA
ISO adalah tingkat sensitifitas sensor (medium), sedangkan ASA adalah tingkat sensitifitas film (medium), jadi perbedaannya hanya dimediumnya saja. Tapi logikanya sama. Kecuali efek sampingnya. Dimana apabila menggunakan film ASA tinggi, maka gambar akan terlihat grainy (berbentuk titik kecil namun banyak). Sedangkan penggunaan ISO tinggi akan menghasilkan noise (seperti bentuk cacing namun banyak). Sedikit aja udah geli apalagi banyak =)

Jumat, 09 September 2011

SLR Camera History

The SLR camera - history

The advantage of the Single Lens Reflex - SLR - camera is that it allows the user to see exactly how the image will appear at the moment the shutter is released. Light rays captured by the camera lens are bounced off a mirror behind the lens and up to a glass pentaprism, through which the rays are bent to enable them to pass through a viewing ocular. This allows the camera user to focus and compose the image before making an exposure.
SLR manufacturers have historically used high quality glass elements, mirrors and prisms in the reflex system to obtain the brightest possible viewing image. Minolta developed special screens to increase brightness levels in the 1970s. Olympus fitted a special mirror only based system for its 1963 Pen F half frame slr cameras. Today, plastic mirrors and prisms are used in some digital capture SLR to save weight.
The Exakta A of 1933, made by IHG - Industrie und Handels Gesellschaft - of Dresden, was the first single lens reflex for small format 127 roll film. By 1936, IHG had designed and manufactured the first Kine Exakta models using 35mm perforated film but the first 35mm SLR was the Russian made Sport of 1935. The Asahi Optical Company, or Asahi Kogaku (Tokyo,) founded in 1919, launched the first Japanese 35mm slr camera, the Asahiflex I, in 1951. It heralded the birth of a long line of Pentax models.
Over its near 80 year history the principle of the slr has seen many innovations. The first post WWII camera with an instant return mirror was the Hungarian Duflex of 1947 but the 1954 Asahiflex IIB was the first Japanese SLR camera. Zenza Bronica developed the first two part gliding mirror system for its medium format slrs in the early 1980s and a similar system was later used in Hasselblad cameras. Ironically, the company which developed the half-frame Pen cameras to a fine art have launched the Olympus E-P1 Micro four-thirds digital capture camera. Like the Panasonic G1 and GH1, it has no reflex mirror box or prism. Instead, these models use a TFT LCD viewing screen and electronic viewfinder, technology which may mark the beginning of the end for the single lens reflex.

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011


Tuesday, 23th August 2011, all of new student Jendral Soedirman University come to Auditorium Graha Widyatama Jendral Soedirman University, they come to attended the ceremony of admission of new students Jendral Soedirman University 2011, Ceremony Reception was Started at 07:00 WIB until end, with Dresscode White shirt, black trousers, black tie, and black shoe. At Auditorium I see many new students from various regions, Jakarta, Bekasi, Lampung, Kalimantan, Cirebon, Ciamis, Tegal, Purwokerto, Solo, Jogja, and more. I fill i'm very proud and excited, cause i'm was in their midst.
In Photo above, me take a picture with my friend, named Tri Arief Rachman from Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia. We Take This Picture Wearing a "Jaket Kebesaran Universitas Jendral Soedirman", I personally feel very proud to wear that jacket.
At Ospek University, i was classified to group 23, in this group, i also get a lot of friends, like Bella from Faculty Of Medic, Dading From Faculty of Juristical, Agung and Farha From Faculty of Agriculture, Adji From Sains like me, and etc. don't forget to seniors group, kak Titi and kak Zul.
And Now, i Miss that time...

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011



At the beginning of the century, Milan derbies did not exist. At that time there was only "Milan Cricket and Football Club" (now AC Milan). But on 9 March 1908, a group of rebels form "Football Club Internazionale Milano". The name of the club derives from the wish of its founding members to accept foreign players as well as Italians, hence the name Internazionale. Indeed, the first captain of the side is a Swiss player - Hernst Manktl. The club colours are gold, black and blue, a tradition which has been kept right up to the present day.

Inter win the Italian league for the first time. The captain of the championship-winning team is Virgilio Fossati, who several years later dies in World War I. But even without Fossati, Inter win their second title in 1920.

During the Fascist era, the club is forced to merge with the Milanese Unione Sportiva and the team wins its third Scudetto under the name of Ambrosiana Inter.

Nerazzurri Allemandi, Castellazzi, Demaria and the legendary Giuseppe Meazza win the World Cup with the Italian national team in Rome in 1934. Two years later, Frossi and Locatelli win the gold medal at the Berlin Olympics.

Inter players Ferraris II, Ferrari, Locatelli and Meazza are involved in the Azzurri set-up that wins the 1938 World Cup in Paris. The same year, Inter win their fourth Scudetto, while the clubs first Coppa Italia success comes in 1939. Another league title arrives in 1940, while the name Ambrosiana is abandoned in October 1945, after which the club returns to its previous name Inter.

Giuseppe Meazza plays the last of his 408 official matches in an Inter shirt. The Inter striker, who attains legend status with his 287 goals for the club, dies in 1979, and a year later the San Siro stadium is named in his honour.

The Nerazzurri win their sixth Scudetto in 1953 and repeat the success a year later thanks to four great protagonists Italian Benito "Veleno" Lorenzi, Swede Skoglund Dutchman Wilkes and the stateless Nyers.

The "Great Inter" era begins. The club president is Angelo Moratti, the coach is Helenio Herrera and the line-up is unforgettable: Sarti, Burgnich, Facchetti, Bedin, Guarneri, Picchi, Jair, Mazzola, Milani (Domenghini), Suarez, and Corso. The Great Inter side win three Serie A titles (in 1964, 1965 and 1966 the latter is the tenth Scudetto which allows the club to wear one gold star on their shirts), two European Cups (in 1964 against Real Madrid and 1965 against Benfica) and two Intercontinental Cups (in 1964 and 1965, both against Argentine outfit Independiente). In 1964, Suarez wins the European championship with the Spanish national team.

Burgnich, Domenghini, Facchetti, Guarneri and Mazzola contribute to the Italian national team's success at the 1968 European championship in Rome. Three years later, the Nerazzurri win their eleventh Scudetto under the guidance of coach Gianni Invernizzi.

After the twelfth Serie A title won in 1980, Altobelli, Bergomi, Bordon, Marini and Oriali win the World Cup with Italy in Madrid in 1982

Inter win their thirteenth Scudetto in 1989, garnering a record 58 points from 34 matches (two points awarded for a win). A year later at Italia '90, Inter's German trio of Brehme, Klinsmann and Matthaeus win the World Cup in Rome. The same year, Lothar Matthaeus becomes the first Inter player to be awarded the prestigious European Player of the Year award.

On 22 May 1991, exactly 26 years since their last international success, Inter defeat Roma 2-1 on aggregate in the UEFA Cup final. Matthaeus and Berti score for the Nerazzurri in the first leg at the Meazza. Inter defeat Salzburg in the final three years later to win their second UEFA Cup. Matthaeus becomes the first winner of the FIFA World Player award

Ronaldo becomes the second Inter player to win the FIFA World Player award and the second to win the coveted Ballon d'Or. Inter lose out on the Scudetto after a long duel with rivals Juventus, but beat Lazio 3-0 in Paris to lift their third UEFA Cup. Frenchman Djorkaeff beats Brazilian Ronaldo in another prestigious match played in Paris - the 1998 World Cup final.

On 12 April, the world is struck by Ronaldo's injury during the Coppa Italia final against Lazio. The "Phenomenon" makes a return to the pitch and scores again in the 2001/02 season. In the meantime, Nerazzurri defender Laurent Blanc is part of the French side that beats Italy in the final of Euro 2000.

The season concludes with Inter overtaking AC Milan to finish 5th in the Serie A championship. During the summer, a "Ronaldo Day" is held to celebrate the Phenomenon's return to competitive football. In November, one of Inter's most legendary players, the unforgettable full-back Giacinto Facchetti, becomes vice president of the club. Unfortunately, in December, Inter fan par excellence and vice president of the Beneamata Avv. Giuseppe Prisco passes away two days after his eightieth birthday.

Inter go very close to winning their fourteenth Scudetto. Leaders going into the last match of the season and with a one-point advantage over Juventus, they lose 4-2 away to Lazio at Rome's Olimpico stadium. The Scudetto goes to Juventus, while Roma beat Inter into second place. Just as in 1967, the last match of the championship is fatal to the Nerazzurri.

Hector Cuper guides Inter to the semi-finals of the UEFA Champions League and a historic two-legged 'Euroderby' with AC Milan. The Nerazzurri lose out on the away goals rule.

Roberto Mancini's debut season as Inter coach ends with the club's first trophy in seven years - a 3-0 Coppa Italia final victory over Roma thanks to a brace from Adriano at the Olimpico and a Sinisa Mihajlovic free kick at the Giuseppe Meazza. The Nerazzurri, who finish third in the Serie A and reach the Champions League quarter-finals, lose just three matches in 2004/05. In August Inter lift the Italian Super Cup for the second time in their history with a 1-0 victory over Juventus at Turin's Delle Alpi Stadium. Juan Sebastian Veron scores the winning goal.

In a repeat of the 2005 Coppa Italia final Inter beat Roma over two legs (1-1 at the Olimpico, 3-1 at the Giuseppe Meazza) to retain the trophy. Julio Cruz scores in both matches, with Cambiasso and Martins the other two Nerazzurri players on target. Two months later Inter are officially awarded their 14th Serie A title by the Italian Football Federation (FIGC) after a sports tribunal strips Juventus of the Scudetto in the wake of the match-fixing scandal. In the 2006/07 season curtain raiser in August, Inter come back from three goals down to beat Roma 4-3 in extra time at the Stadio Giuseppe Meazza and retain the Italian Super Cup.

Marco Materazzi scores twice at Siena's Stadio Franchi on 22 April 2007 as the Nerazzurri wrap up their second consecutive league title with a 2-1 away victory over Siena. Inter secure their 15th Serie A title with five games to spare, with 26 wins, 6 draws and just 1 defeat from 33 games. Robero Mancini becomes the third coach in Inter history to win back-to-back league titles after Alfredo Foni (1952/53 and 1953/54) and Helenio Herrera (1964/65 and 1965/66).

Zlatan Ibrahimovic comes off the bench to score twice as Inter win 2-0 at Parma on the final day of the Serie A campaign and seal a third consecutive Scudetto in the club's centenary season. Just two months after the spectacular 100th anniversary celebrations and hours after the win in Parma, Inter fans pack the Giuseppe Meazza again as the Nerazzurri are awarded their 16th league title.

Inter win a fourth consecutive Serie A title without kicking a ball after AC Milan lose 2-1 against Udinese in a Saturday fixture.
Mourinho's men celebrate the title the following day in front of the home fans with a 3-0 victory over Siena.
The Nerazzurri's bid to win a fifth Italian Super Cup ends in defeat at the Bird's Nest Stadium in Beijing as Inter are beaten 2-1 by Lazio.

Inter's 2009/10 campaign is the most successful in the club's history as José Mourinho's side make a clean sweep of domestic and European honours.
Diego Milito scores against Roma to win us the Coppa Italia, nets again against Siena to wrap up the Serie A title, and bags a brace against Bayern Munich in Madrid to add the Champions League and complete an unprecedented treble - no Italian team had ever won the Scudetto, Coppa Italia and European Champions Cup in the same season.
In June, Spanish tactician Rafael Benitez is named the new coach of Inter.
From Milan to Abu Dhabi and another triumph for the boys in black and blue - this time in the FIFA Club World Cup 2010. In 1965 we had Facchetti and Suarez, Mazzola and Corso - who scored two goals including the winner in the three-match final against Independiente. In 2010, Julio Cesar and Maicon, Cambiasso, Motta and Milito. The scorers in the final against Mazembe played at the Zayed Sports City Stadium on 18 December 2010 were Pandev, Eto'o and Biabiany; three days earlier, in the semi-final, goals by Stankovic, Zanetti and the Prince helped the Nerazzurri to beat Seongnam.
Different names, same result: the Nerazzurri rose to stand on top of the world again after 45 years, from Angelo Moratti's Great Inter side to his son Massimo's team, winners of 5 trophies in 2010. Inter won the Club World Cup hands down, exploiting their opponents' weaknesses with the class of their champions shining through. A night that had long been craved for by president, players and fans alike, ending a legendary year on a high before turning the page into 2011 and a new era with Leonardo, following Rafa Benitez's departure.
The Club World Cup is in the hands of captain Zanetti, a man who never tires of raising trophies to the sky and celebrating Inter's supremacy. The world is at his feet, and the winners' tears of joy represent the consecration of a dream.

The rest of the season was a heroic charge. Between that night as champions of the world and another night in Rome, when the Coppa Italia was raised aloft by the captain once more on the 150th anniversary of Italian unification, Leonardo took the reins of the team, believing in Inter's Treble winners and setting a new record for consecutive home wins. May is a magical month, Rome a magical city. Palermo went there looking for a historic victory; Inter, as the big favourites, were obliged to win. So on the evening of the national cup final Italy saw its two extremes, north and south, meet halfway in the capital. With two fantastic sets of fans. 150 years of Italian unification couldn't have been represented any better. Eto'o's tidy finish following Sneijder's cross opened the scoring on 26 minutes and Inter doubled their lead in the 76th minute as the same players combined again, Wesley and Samuel sending the Nerazzurri fans wild with delight. A tense finale was set up after Palermo pulled one back through Munoz (88 minutes) but victory was sealed in added time when Milito turned in Inter's third. Leonardo won his first trophy in his first final as a coach, while the Nerazzurri added a seventh Coppa Italia to the trophy cabinet, making it fifteen trophies in seven years.

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011


March 2011, at Sma Yaspen Tugu Ibu I Depok, Depok, West Java, Indonesia. Memories of Final Exam (practice) Various kinds of Sports we have Learn, be examined at that time, such as "Roll, Lompat Jangkit, Lempar Lembing, Lari Estafet, Dribble, dan menggiring bola" I was started at 08:00 WIB until 17:30 WIB For 2 Days, at That time i Fell so Tired, Tired, and Tired, but i'm dont Fell it when i was Joke with Friend (Big Fam Sains), Osis Sma Yaspen Tugu Ibu, and His teacher. im so miss this moment ..

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